Autonics Temperature Controller TCN4S in Bangalore | TZ4ST, PID | NLA

Autonics Temperature Controller

Autonics Temperature Controller TCN4S in Bangalore

Looking for Affordable Autonics Temperature Controller TCN4S in Bangalore? then this is the right place. Nanologic Automation offers wide range of Temperature Controller Products like Digital Temperature Controllers, PID Temperature Controllers,Autonics Temperature Coontrollers TK, TM, TZ, T3, TZN, T4, TCN with Economical Prices than compared to Authorized Autonics Temperature Controller TCN4S Distributors in Bangalore, India. Autonics Temperature controller are used to identify measured temperature to maintain desired temperatures. Autonics offering 19 Series of temperature controllers in bangalore.

Nanologic Automation offering Digital PID Temperature Controllers with best price comapre to authorised autonics dealers in India. Autonics is one of the leading temperature controller manufacturers in South Korea. If you are looking for PID Controller suppliers in bangalore, India? then you are in right place. By using Autonic PID controller you can control Temp, Humidity etc.,

List of Autonics Dual Display PID Controllers:

All series of Autonics Temperature Controllers:

Standard Type PID Temperature Controllers: TX Series: LCD Display, Tk Series: High Performance Temp controller, TCN Series: Economical Dual Display, TC Series: Economical Single Display, TA Series: Analog Non Indicating Type, Tz Series: Dual Speed controller with protection cover, TZN Series: Dual Speed controller, KPN Series: High Performance Digital Process Controllers.

Modular Type PID Temperature Controllers: TM Series: Multi channel PID controller expanded to control up to 124/62 channels (TM4/TM2), TMH Series: High performance multi channel temp controller with 50 ms high speed sampling cycle and simultaneous heating and cooling control function.

Board Type PID Controller: TB42 Series: Cost effective temperature control and high installation flexibility. This unit we can install on panel by using mounting holes.Thumbwheel Switch Type Digital Temperature Controllers: T3/T4 Series: Various control Outputs options like Relay, SSR Drive, Current. And 2 independent set points and control outputs for heating and cooling control

Refrigeration Temperature Controllers: TC3YF Series,TF3 Series, TFD Series: Remote Display unit for TF3 Temp Controllers. Indicator Temperature Controller:T3/T4 Series: Digital Indicator, T4WM series: 5 channel Digital Temp Indicators. Explosion Proof Type KT-502H Series: Intelligent Temperature Transmitters.

THD Series: Temperature and Humidity Sensor / Transducers.

Nanologic Automation offering Autonics Digital PID Temperature Controller in Bangalore, Hosur,Mysore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Pune, Mumbai, Delhi etc.,

We offers wide range of Autonics Products like Proximity Sensor, Photoelectric Sensor , Fiber Sensor, Rotary Encoder, Temperature Controllers , Timers, Panel Meter, Pulse Meter, Stepper Motor,Single Phase Power Controller, Thyristor etc..,